RGB vs alternatives
RGB compared to Liquid Confidential Assets:
Works with Lightning Network
Replaces Large Borromean signatures range proofs with modern Bulletproofs
No blockchain space consumption!
Universal smart contract system
Works on Bitcoin mainnet, does not require federation
RGB compared to OMNI/Colored coins/Counterparty
No blockchain consumption
Much higher privacy
Works with LN without its modifications
RGB compared to Ethereum/EOS/other "corporate blockchains"
RGB is NOT a blockchain!
Works on and with Bitcoin: β¨the only censorship-resistant unconfiscatable hard money
Omni BOLT compared to RGB LN
Breaking BOLT message compatibility
Breaking BOLT tx structure compatibility
No backports from LND
No TLV extensions
Requires separate nodes for OMNI Bolt and Bitcoin LN
Requires Omni Core backend, can't work with just Bitcoin Core
Last updated